Erik Williams Named Estimator of the Year by ASA of Oklahoma

CMSWillowbrook celebrates Erik Williams, Estimator on being named Estimator of the Year by the American Subcontractor Association (ASA). This was solely voted by Subcontractors in Oklahoma.

Erik who has more than 19 years’ experience, has been with CMSWillowbrook for 6 years and currently focuses on the company’s public works projects. “I really like watching the whole process unfold,” Erik said. “I like watching how input from various people influence the design and construction.”

Erik considers himself as a math nerd who likes working with numbers, which helps explain why he likes his job as a construction estimator for CMSWillowbrook. Whether someone hands him a sketch of plans, he gets to figure out and tell an architect or contractor how much the project is going to cost. 

Erik received his certifications for Certified Construction Management (CCM) and Certified Professional Estimator (CPE). With the CCM, this certifies that you know the construction management process from pre-construction to close out. The CPE is more focused on estimating and pre-construction type stuff. “I think it helps me personally by giving me credibility going into meetings and also helps the company with RFP’s and things like that by showing that we have certified people on staff.” Erik said. Both of these certifications require continuing education to maintain the certificate.  Continuing education has always been important to Erik and he wanted to instill into his children that you should always want to keep going and improve yourself even after landing your job. “Never stop learning, you should always continue to improve and educate yourself.”

Erik is a member of Associated General Contractors, Association for learning environments and Construction Management Association of America. He is a board member of the American Society of Professional Estimators. In 2020 Erik received the Journal Record Excellence in Construction and Real Estate Award for Estimator Category.

Jessica Williams