Groundbreaking Ceremony at New ECC Building Site
The Prague Times-Herald
November 08, 2018
Prague Public Schools broke ground last week on a new Early Child Development
Center and a Safe Room for the existing Middle School. The groundbreaking ceremony was held Thursday, November 1, 2018.
The $6.9 million project features two new structures that will serve as multipurpose safe rooms and classrooms. The Early Child Development Center will have a safe room that the elementary and high school students can use during severe weather. The existing
Middle School is also being renovated to add new space which doubles as a safe room and a student center.
A portion of the funding comes from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). CMS Willowbrook is the construction manager for the projects.
“We are always eager to work on projects that enhance the safety of our schools and communities,” said Trey Schick, project director for CMS Willowbrook. “Both of these projects will serve as functional space with FEMA-rated safe rooms incorporated.”
The estimated completion date of the project is December 2019.