6 Spookiest Things About Construction

Construction work is not for the faint of heart. But CMSWillowbrook is an expert construction management firm, so we easily handle all the thrills.


 Unpredictable Mother Nature

Is this a scene from the movie “The Birds”? Nope, just a construction site overrun with flying fiends who leave messes everywhere. Natural disasters like floods and tornadoes also rank high on our spookiness scale. But when the unexpected happens, we find a solution. We’ve even visited projects in the middle of the night to ensure they’re not flooding. And we’ll happily do it again to save project owners from experiencing a living nightmare.


Not Having Expert Tradesmen

A completed project is only as good as the team who built it. CMSWillowbrook prides itself on strong relationships with skilled craftsmen. You won’t hear us talking about tradesmen terrors, because many of our employees and contractors have been with us for decades. And it shows through our top-quality projects across multiple industries.



Hanging out on lifts and scaffolding is just an average day for our crew. And it’s not scary, because of our safety culture. We conduct training regularly, and we’ve shut entire jobs down to do a safety course because someone wasn’t wearing proper fall protection equipment. That’s the real horror of heights – not wearing the right gear the right way. *shudders*


Going Over Budget

This is literally the stuff of nightmares for construction management firms. No one is happy when the estimate is wrong and the budget is busted. CMSWillowbrook takes no chances when it comes to pricing. We have some of the best estimators in the business and average .44 percent below their projections. Read more about the importance of exceeding expectations, not budgets.

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Not Finishing on Time

The only thing more frightening than going over budget is missing the completion deadline. We’re not experienced in this realm, because we finish on time. This is partially due to our love of ribbon cutting ceremonies, oversized scissors and happy clients. So. Much. Fun!


Not Hiring CMSWillowbrook

To avoid the spookiness of construction, just hire CMSWillowbrook. We’re experts, and our track record for quality construction and winning awards proves it. We simplify the complicated task of construction. Like a conductor in an orchestra, we bring together hundreds of moving pieces to create masterpieces.

Contact us, and let’s build your next project together.


Summer DeHart McClure is the corporate secretary and treasurer at CMSWillowbrook

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